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Who Is Bret Thomson?

Bret Thomson is one of Australia’s highest paid in-demand copywriter/marketing & conversion strategists, best selling author, speaker, coach and mentor to thousands.

Bret has been the secret weapon behind some of the largest (and most profitable) direct response marketing campaigns in Australia.

His wickedly effective ability to nail the BIG IDEA is admired and respected by even the most seasoned marketing experts.

Starting out in his own direct mail business, Bret’s name and reputation skyrocketed to legendary status very quickly when he took a product that was barely making any sales at $498, and sold it for a whopping $1,498, just by enhancing the copy.

Not only that – he outsold other distributors (who were still struggling to sell it at the old price) by 600%… making over $125,000 in the first 5 months of his start up business.

Mal Emery says, “Bret is one of the greatest copywriting talents to ever come out of this country. A rare talent who I personally pay big dollars to write for me.”

Before long, Bret was in hot demand by some of the country’s greatest marketers like…

  • Mal Emery
  • Andrew & Daryl Grant
  • Jamie McIntyre
  • Darren Stephens,
  • Ari Galper
  • Spike Hummer
  • Matt & Amanda Clarkson
  • Sean Roach
  • Andrew and Angela Smith
  • Jennie Armato
  • Steve Gillespie
  • And the list goes on…

He consistently creates successful multi-million dollar marketing campaigns for his clients, and is responsible for the marketing behind bringing Sir Richard Branson out to Australia.

Bret is a sought after Marketing expert, freelance copywriter, master sales and conversion strategist, explosive and entertaining stage presenter and creator of one of the most popular copywriting products in Australia, “The 7 Hour Sales Letter”.

Bret runs several seminars (that constantly sell-out in days) each year, and facilitates numerous coaching programs throughout Australia, combined with online emotional support dog certification mentoring to students from all over the world.

If you’d like Bret (and his team) to work their marketing magic for your next project… then please click this link for all the details.

On A Personal Note… (A More Accurate Bio)

Okay, it’s me talking now. I forgot to mention ( above) how much I can bench press .  It’s pretty darn impressive, i must say… (kidding)

Look, aside from the business stuff… here’s what i do know. I’m not all about business.

I mean, sure, of course I love punching out the multi-million dollar promotional campaigns, one after the other, for some of the top-notch entrepreneurs in the country…

And I equally love whipping out smaller campaigns that frequently rake in the lazy six-figure sales for my other clients & fellow movers and shakers.

Truth be known… My greatest achievement is not the multiple millions of dollars my sales copy has collectively pulled… nope… I’d have to say…

  • It’s being the proudest Dad in the world to my 4 incredible kids and being in love with (and loved by) Lynika, the most beautiful girl to walk this earth
  • It’s having a circle of loyal friends that you couldn’t choose better if you tried
  • It’s having a supportive family who would do anything, anytime for each other
  • It’s having the ability to read, learn, grow and constantly improve your life
  • It’s knowing what “life/work balance” truly is – and actually living with it!
  • It’s being wise enough to laugh at life (and yourself)

Yeah… that’s a bit closer to what I’m all about!

Watch this video below if you want a true glimpse of the real me (outside of copywriting, marketing and the business world)

“Why I Will Never EVER Get Paid to Sing”

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July 16th, 2009 |

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