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Posts Tagged ‘HIGH’

Eye-Opening Story (Censored for MA+)

July 25th, 2013 |

Eye-Opening Story (Censored for MA+)


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Warning: if you share this story with your kids, you might want to water it down even more than I have here…


It’s a true story about identical twin boys.

They were interviewed later in life because something didn’t make sense.

You see, despite living in EXACTLY the same house growing up, one twin ended up in jail, while the other became hugely successful.

Let me wind it back to the start.

The twin boys were born into a very abusive and turbulent household.

Both parents were raging alcoholics. Drug taking was almost a daily ritual.

Their father was in and out of jail and frequently beat up the mother in front of the twins.

Sadly, as the boys grew older, they too became victim of regular beatings…. Often resulting in them missing out long periods of school… until their bruises faded.

While most kids their age enjoyed a family dinner, maybe a little bit of TV, even a bedtime story after being tucked-in-snug by loving parents…

… The twins had a different experience growing up.

On any given night they’d hide in their bedroom, often starving, as loud drunken parties raged through till the early hours of morning…

… Their home was a regular base for drug-fest gatherings… frequented by dangerous and soul-less criminal types (and abusive situations)… that any normal parent would never want their kids exposed to.

Let’s press the fast forward button.

The twins are in their early thirties.

On of the twins is in jail from armed robbery with a stretch of criminal charges to do with drugs, theft, violence and the like.

The other twin has a hugely profitable business, a loving wife and healthy family, contributes to the community, and by all measures, lives a successful happy life.

A journalist was fascinated about how two identical twins, living in the same environment, could turn out so majorly different.

So he thought he’d interview both twins.

The main question he asked was this…

“Why did you turn out the way you did?”

To his amazement, both twins responded with exactly the same answer.

They both answered…

“What do you expect, look at my father”

– – –


– – –


Lesson for you is…

YOUR inner interpretation of events will dictate your actions… and ultimately shape your life.

(That’s a writer-downer)

How does this translate in business?

Are you moaning that you’re not busy enough?

Do you think it’s hard to find clients and customers?

Are you comparing yourself to your competitors?

What are you doing about it?

Do your actions spawn from a perception of struggle… or burst out of excitement and hope?

The difference is blatantly obvious in your results.

Okay, let’s just say I took you on as a client to help you with your marketing…

You see… I’d bring more to the table than just amazing copywriting… or a breakthrough BIG idea for you…

First, you and I would spend time making sure the vision and goal for your project was set HIGH.

To the point where, just thinking about it, we’d both feel pumped-up and excited about the hitting the goal outta the park.

That’s the only way I work these days.

Enthusiasm about hitting a clear target gives LIFE to a project… an ENERGY that maximises quality, focus and results.

My team know this. That’s how we treat all our projects.

The last gig we worked on we surpassed the goal by 20% and pulled in over 600 registrations for a seminar that others doubted would even work.

Most successful campaign in their company’s history…

Slam-dunk baby.

Here’s your take-away…

YOUR inner interpretation of events will dictate your actions in business too… and ultimately shape your success.

So lift your perception about what’s possible… Inject enthusiasm into your marketing… and enjoy the ride!

Think big. Be different.

Bret Thomson.

P.S. If you want to suit-up and work with me and my marketing team for your next project, here’s what to do… Go to this page now, leave your details and let’s chat

And feel free to share this post or leave a comment below for me to respond personally 🙂